Day 2 (28 July)
While this day we'll move by Baikalo-Amurskaya federal highway first, then we'll pass 600 kilometers by taiga forest road and cross Amgun river with a ferry. After ferriage we'll make stop on a forest pass to have opportunity to see production area of local goldmine with its huge quarries and special equipment park.
After automobile part of our trip is finished nearby the Sea of Okhotsk coast, we will move from the Gulf of Nikolai to Wrangel bay (1,5 hour with speedboats), where we'll be accommodated in a tourist base to have rest and Russian sauna. Please, pay attention: transportation from the Gulf of Nikolai depends on the rise and fall of the tide. It is impossible to reach the base while the tidal rise due to water retreat on few kilometers. Thus unforeseen delays and unexpected overnights in a tent camp on the gulf coast are probable. In this case we'll be transferred to Wrangel bay next day morning.